Click here to see what tournaments to register for: 1 After 7 Tournament Listing
PGF sanctioning is good for 1 year 09-01-20xx thru to 08-31-20xx ( i.e. 09-01-2022 thru 08-31-23)
PREMIER SANCTIONING: Teams that are planning on playing in PGF Qualifiers or playing in PGF Nationals in Huntington Beach California
REGIONAL SANCTIONING: Teams playing ONLY in Showcase and Invitational events
Registration will now be run through your PGF Member Account:
Sanction team for 2022-23 season
Log in at
Click on the white tournaments and showcases box located in the middle of your member account homepage
This will redirect you to Tournament Connect where all tournament and showcases are listed
Select the desired tournament(s) and click on “register box”
Click the blue continue box at top of screen
You will notice that the system will automatically read your currently sanctioned team, and then duplicate it in the Tournament Connect System, allowing you to sign up for events. This completes the process.
Regional/Showcase Registration:
PGF Registration:
From the PGF website (, teams will click on the Menu option: Sign up > Register Teams. From there a team will land on PGF’s MEMBERSHIP Page which outlines its programs and the requirement to play in PGF sanctioned tournaments across the country.
Once a team registers it goes through an approval process where PGF staff will run background check(s) to ensure eligibility. Upon approval the team is then sanctioned to play in PGF for the year and the registering member (coach/manager) will receive a confirmation email where they can invite players to join the team and become members.
Register team as Regional or Premier/Platinum:
Select Region
Pay Background Check fee of $25.00, Team Sanctioning Fee of $60.00
Once registration is complete, the Head Coach/Team Admin. will receive an invite via email to join TEAM CONNECT — Accept invite.
Enter roster and invite all players to join via their parent’s email address
Registration complete!
Qualifier Registration:
PGF Registration:
From the PGF website (, teams will click on the Menu option: Sign up > Register Teams. From there a team will land on PGF’s MEMBERSHIP Page which outlines its programs and the requirement to play in PGF sanctioned tournaments across the country.
Once a team registers it goes through an approval process where PGF staff will run background check(s) to ensure eligibility. Upon approval the team is then sanctioned to play in PGF for the year and the registering member (coach/manager) will receive a confirmation email where they can invite players to join the team and become members. They will also use a Team Connect Code which they will use during registration for tournaments throughout the country for the year.
Register team as Premier/Platinum:
Select Region
Pay Background Check fee of $25.00, Team Sanctioning Fee of $60.00 and Purchase PGF Insurance (Required for PGF National Qualifiers)
Once registration is complete, the Head Coach/Team Admin. will receive an invite via email to join TEAM CONNECT — Accept invite
Enter roster and invite all players to join via their parent’s email address
Parent accepts invite from Coach and then uploads a birth certificate for age/i.d. verification and a picture
Registration complete
How to Pay Through Stack Sports:
Log Into Tournament Connect with Stack Password.
Click on teams in the top right corner.
Click Financials.
All tournaments will be listed out with pricings.
Click Make Payment $ and select which tournament to pay for.